***The first image shows the effect of teen substance abuse, in particular abusing alcohol.***
***The second picture shows the effects of teens driving while under the influence of drugs and the pain he received from his wound.***
Drug effects have a huge impact in the world. People who use illegal drugs are not only affecting their lives but also affecting the lives of their families and friends as well. Teen substance abuse affects the family unit as teens become more hostile, and their decision-making becomes greatly impaired. The consequence of such use, even causal use, can be devastating to both the user and to the user’s family members. But, teen drug use is costly to more than just families. It is especially costly to our society as a whole. Youth’s immature physical, emotional, and psychological development make them more susceptible than adults to the harmful effects of drug abuse.
According to the MADD which stated Alcohol is the number one substance abuse used by teenagers. As we speak many innocent human beings are killed by teenage drivers. For many parent’s finding out that their son or daughter has been struggling with Teen abuse is a catastrophic revelation. Thoughts of failure, disappointment, guilt, and embarrassment floods a parents mind. A recent study done by National drug Intelligence Organization stated that “in 2008, an estimated 11,773 people died in alcohol-impaired traffic crashes committed by teenagers driving under the influence”. In fact, “three in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lives” (NDIO, p.1).
There are many risks for teenagers abusing substance such as alcohol. Underage drinkers are susceptible to immediate consequences of alcohol use, including blackouts, hangovers, and alcohol poisoning and are at elevated risk of “neurodegeneration particularly in regions of the brain activity and the appearance of neurocognitive defect” (NIAAA, P.2).
Drug effects can not only change the way a person looks but also impact their ability to think. For example, my family friend got behind a car on February 14, 2010 and was involved in a fatal car accident. My friend was under the influence of alcohol when he got in the car with his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day. He survived the car crash however, his girlfriend was thrown out of the window and was run over by an 18 wheel truck smashing every bone in her body resulting in instance death. My friend has never been able to get over that horrible incident. My friend feels responsible and now goes to high schools and targets teenagers to inform them of the horrible consequences driving under the influence can cause an individual. Also, my friend’s girlfriend's family members have not forgiven my friend until this day. Once a life is taken it cannot come back, but the wounds of the incident remain within the victimizer's soul. This one incident of drinking and driving has changed my friend forever and this one decision makes him suffer as the event has just happened yesterday.
Overall, drug effects have a huge impact on the indivdual and the ability to think. Alcohol is just one example of subtance that is abused by teenagers.
I think, that all people should think about their life. It is very important not to use drugs. Thank you for such an informative article. I think, people should think about this problem http://skywritingservice.com/blog/horrible-impact-of-drugs-on-your-health after reading the article.