***The images above show how people are receiving help to recover from their horrible past.***
Drug use in our society can be prevented. We need to create more rehabilitation centers where drug users can go and get help. The centers need to consist of many doctors who treat drug users but act as friends and give them a shoulder to lean on, which will help individuals cope with their trauma of being a drug user but also encourage them to stop abusing drugs. American Heart Association did a survey back in 2009 which showed over two-thirds of Californians have some time in their lives tried recreation drugs! People, as a society, need to unite together, so we can help those addicted individuals fight this sickness. Drug prevention and rehabilitation centers offer hope to men, women, and their families who are suffering from the devastating consequences of chemical dependency and addiction. Deciding to seek recovery for yourself or someone you care about may be one of the most courageous and life-altering steps you'll ever take. We need to create rehabilitation centers that can accommodate different types of drug addicts.
We need to have well established clinics that have programs by well-paid, trained physicians to prevent drug usage in our society. Having alternative solutions, such as clinics, will help drug addicts and show them that there is a way out of this horrible habit. Having such clinics will help the addicts look at life in a different aspect and build up some of their self-esteem again. For example, my neighbor’s son was a heavy drug user and tried to commit suicide more than once. He thought there was no more hope for him since his own family had given up on him by disowning him. His family didn’t want to have any sort of relationship or deal with a drug user. A clinic by my house called the Teen Center helped build up his self-esteem again and slowly deterred drugs away from his life. It convinced him that there still is a chance for him to get back on his feet.
In the clinic, my neighbor’s son was exposed to the harmful effect of abusing drugs and the effect it can really have on a person. This moment changed my neighbor’s son’s life. If you look at my neighbor’s son today, he is a married man with a good job and is living a drug-free life. In the article, “"How About Low-Cost Drugs for Addicts?" by Louis Nizer, he states that, "The government should create clinics maintained by physician that would provide medicine for nominal changes or even free to addicts under controlled regulations." When the government actually wakes up and steps in by providing enough funding for prevention programs, then the rates of drug abuse will dramatically decrease. If the people can get the government to provide enough funding for prevention programs like the Teen Center, then the government can help stop the spread of these drugs for good. If the government wants to create a drug free society and help Americans, then it needs to provide funding and support to help improve the clinics, as well as help the drug addicts.
Overall, having drug rehabilitation clinics is just not enough. We can do our part by creating drug clinics where drug abusers can turn for help. Drug abusers need to do their part as well by taking the first step in reaching out for help. For example, I mentioned in one of my previous blogs about Rush Limbaugh who checked himself into a rehabilitation center because of his addiction to pain killers. He has done it. Rush Limbaugh has become one of the lucky few who found freedom from his drug addiction by taking the first step to get help.
I would like to thank all of my viewers for taking the journey with me to explore the world of drug users, abusers, and the overall effects of drugs in our society.
We need to have well established clinics that have programs by well-paid, trained physicians to prevent drug usage in our society. Having alternative solutions, such as clinics, will help drug addicts and show them that there is a way out of this horrible habit. Having such clinics will help the addicts look at life in a different aspect and build up some of their self-esteem again. For example, my neighbor’s son was a heavy drug user and tried to commit suicide more than once. He thought there was no more hope for him since his own family had given up on him by disowning him. His family didn’t want to have any sort of relationship or deal with a drug user. A clinic by my house called the Teen Center helped build up his self-esteem again and slowly deterred drugs away from his life. It convinced him that there still is a chance for him to get back on his feet.
In the clinic, my neighbor’s son was exposed to the harmful effect of abusing drugs and the effect it can really have on a person. This moment changed my neighbor’s son’s life. If you look at my neighbor’s son today, he is a married man with a good job and is living a drug-free life. In the article, “"How About Low-Cost Drugs for Addicts?" by Louis Nizer, he states that, "The government should create clinics maintained by physician that would provide medicine for nominal changes or even free to addicts under controlled regulations." When the government actually wakes up and steps in by providing enough funding for prevention programs, then the rates of drug abuse will dramatically decrease. If the people can get the government to provide enough funding for prevention programs like the Teen Center, then the government can help stop the spread of these drugs for good. If the government wants to create a drug free society and help Americans, then it needs to provide funding and support to help improve the clinics, as well as help the drug addicts.
Overall, having drug rehabilitation clinics is just not enough. We can do our part by creating drug clinics where drug abusers can turn for help. Drug abusers need to do their part as well by taking the first step in reaching out for help. For example, I mentioned in one of my previous blogs about Rush Limbaugh who checked himself into a rehabilitation center because of his addiction to pain killers. He has done it. Rush Limbaugh has become one of the lucky few who found freedom from his drug addiction by taking the first step to get help.
I would like to thank all of my viewers for taking the journey with me to explore the world of drug users, abusers, and the overall effects of drugs in our society.